Candice Smith
Call: +61 404276460
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Candice has worked for over two decades to help bring out the innate humanity of individuals and organisations in the public and corporate sectors through coaching, facilitation and leadership development. Candice was initiated into organisational life in the early days of post-Apartheid democracy. Following a first career in academic publishing, she transitioned into facilitation and coaching in 2004 to help build individual and team effectiveness through more courageous and value-rich relationships. Driven by a need to shift the quality of human interaction at an individual, group and systemic level, Candice trained as a facilitator, coach and consultant in the Thinking Environment in 2005 with Nancy Kline, the founder of Time To Think. In 2008, Candice established Time To Think’s South African office and four years later, she emigrated to Australia.
Candice helps individuals and organisations develop sustainable practices to more deftly navigate these increasingly complex times by shifting to a more inclusive and collaborative culture. Her expertise lies in supporting the vertical development of her clients in the public and private sectors, enabling them to identify and let go of limited thinking and perceptions. She thrives in partnering clients to create environments in which we can think in more systemic, and interdependent ways. A key focus in creating these transformational environments is mastering how we are treating ourselves and others while seeking to access these new ways of thinking and being.
Candice has designed leadership development programs and coach and mentor training courses. She has delivered these to executives, senior managers, coaches, mentors and teams internationally and locally. As a Time To Think Faculty member she regularly leads Time To Think public courses and accreditation programs for coaches and facilitators.
Candice’s learning journey highlights include a Masters degree in English Literature, coaching accreditations from the International Coaching Federation and The Coaching Centre Integral Africa, a 9-month Integral Project Leadership incubator and the Transition Leadership Lab.
She brings a diverse range of lived experience of difference including growing up classified as ‘Coloured’ under the Apartheid regime, hailing from a lineage of freedom fighters in South Africa’s liberation struggle, and an introduction to organisational life in the first years of the post-Apartheid transition to democracy.
Her Masters study drew on post-colonial identity theory to explore the emergent consciousness of women across the diaspora. Having immigrated to Australia in 2012 she continues to navigate her own ‘diasporic double consciousness’. Candice lives in Melbourne with her husband Peter and is sustained by time in nature, music, meditation, a good dance and a newfound love for female spy movies.