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Thinking Environment Foundation Course Melbourne 2025

An experiential course introducing the behaviours and their practical applications proven to generate the best quality thinking, actions and results from group interactions

  • Course Dates: 24 & 25 March 2025

    Please contact Candice for alternative dates

  • Session Times: 9.30 am - 5.00 pm

  • Format: In-person

  • Venue: Melbourne

  • Group numbers: Min 4 - Max 10

  • Course Teacher: Time To Think Faculty Member Candice Smith

  • Fees: AUD $1, 450 + GST.

    This fee includes 2 full days immersion in a Thinking Environment; a course manual and a mentoring session with Candice after the course.

    Phased payments are available on request.

    Reduced rates are available for NFPs, social enterprises and expressed need.

    Contact Candice

In our rapidly changing world creating an environment of genuine connection and clear thinking is an essential skill, in order to transform the quality of our results. Having a broad range of approaches to help us easily create these kinds of environments is key.

After years of research and observation Nancy Kline, founder of the Thinking Environment® recognised that people generate their best thinking and outcomes if the people around them behave in certain ways. The Foundation Course will introduce you to these ten behaviours and their practical applications. You will deepen your expertise in elevating the way you and others think and connect.

Course Outline

You will learn how to:

  • Embody and bring to life the Ten Components of a Thinking Environment®, in order to transform 1:1 and group interactions into collaborative, inclusive, clear-thinking, courageous spaces: Attention, Ease, Equality, Appreciation, Feelings, Encouragement, Difference, Information, Incisive Questions, Place.

  • Facilitate and Participate in Rounds: a simple but profound practice for ensuring equality, inclusion and diversity of voices in groups

  • Hone Generative Attention & Transformative Listening through the 1: 1 practice of Thinking Pairs, to transform relationships and ensure better outcomes

  • Transform Dialogue from talking together to thinking together

  • Bring to life a template for facilitating and participating in effective, collaborative and inclusive meetings

  • Share information in Presentations in a way which ignites the thinking of your audience

  • Facilitate and participate in the Time To Think Council, a knowledge-sharing/ management process for one person to harvest the diverse perspectives and collective wisdom of the group, in order to progress a piece for which they are accountable.

  • Craft powerful questions: transforming meeting agenda items into questions

  • Unblock thinking by identifying and replace limiting assumptions through the use of Incisive Questions™

    You will gain:

    • LIVED EXPERIENCE: Experience being in a Thinking Environment and practise creating this generative environment with yourself and others

    • PRACTICAL TOOLS: Transform your one-on-one interactions, team meetings and group conversations; build connectedness, surface new thinking and get breakthrough results as teams, colleagues and leaders

    • TIME TO THINK: Gain valuable time to think about topics that matter most to you - access your own best thinking and the thinking of a valuable peer learning group

    • TIME TO PAUSE: Be rejuvenated by an energising in-person learning & discovery space

    The Foundation Course is a stand-alone introduction to creating Thinking Environments and a pre-requisite to the Time To Think Facilitator Course.


I’ve had the amazing opportunity to attend a number of Candice’s programs over the last year and have come away each and every time not only having explored and expanded my thinking in new ways but in quickly forming deep and enduring connections. Candice’s embodiment of a true ‘thinking environment’ creates the conditions for transformative experiences, enabling thinkers to explore their thoughts with curiosity and sometimes vulnerability, often revealing unanticipated insights and understanding. If you’re a leader who wants to encourage more expansive thinking in your organisation or a facilitator/coach interested in supporting the creation of the necessary conditions for truly independent thinking, I highly recommend Candice’s programs.
— Organisational Development Consultant & Executive Coach
Candice creates and holds a transformational learning space. The Thinking Environment Is an invitation into a way of being in life and leadership. It is accessible, relatable , connecting and provides a pathway for individuals and groups to slow down and think in a way that lights a clear path. Highly recommended learning experience.
— Organisational Development Consultant & Executive Coach